Monday, November 5, 2018

Navy EP-3 buzzed over Black Sea

BLACK SEA – An American Navy EP-3 Aries aircraft flying in international airspace over the Black Sea was intercepted by a Russian SU-27 on Nov. 5, according to a Navy media report. The interaction was determined to be unsafe due to the SU-27 conducting a high speed pass directly in front of the EP-3, putting at risk the pilots and crew. The intercepting SU-27 made an additional pass of the EP-3 and applied its afterburner while conducting a banking turn away. The crew of the EP-3 reported turbulence following the first pass, and vibrations from the second. The duration of the intercept was approximately 25 minutes. While the Russian military is within its right to exercise within international airspace, this interaction was irresponsible, according to the Navy, and against international standards set to ensure safety and to prevent incidents, including the 1972 Agreement for the Prevention of Incidents On and Over the High Seas (INCSEA). The U.S. aircraft was operating in accordance with international law and did not provoke the SU-27. (Within link below is video of the encounter.) (Source: U.S. Navy 11/05/18) The EP-3 Aries is a land-based Multi-Intelligence reconnaissance aircraft. There are 11 EP-3s in the Navy’s inventory. One of the European bases from which EP-3s operate is Rota, Spain.

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