Monday, July 24, 2017

NASM's 25th counterdrug course

MERIDIAN, Miss. - A special ceremony was held at Naval Air Station Meridian on July 21 to mark the 25th anniversary of the Regional Counterdrug Training Academy’s operation. Five southern states play a key role in the war on drugs of which the RCTA plays a vital role. More than 2,000 people go through the course annually. Special awards were presented to recognize the course’s network of support to some 1,400 agencies nationally. Clarke County (Miss.) Sheriff Todd Kemp is a former member of the class says the effort against drugs and drug traffickers is forever evolving, and that the course was a good way for officers to stay ahead of the game. More than 137,000 officers have been through the program. (Source: WTOK 07/2/17)

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